Styles of Slovak wines |
Slovak wines are classified according to origin, maturity level of the grapes and the used technology. Slovak wine law is in compliance with the European wine legislation. Categories of Still Wines are depending on the controlled origin, yields, must-weight levels and official quality control. Three general quality designations are recognized:
Wine without geographic indication Víno bez zemepisného
Wine with protected goegraphic
indication Víno s chráneným zemepisným označením
Wine with protected indication of
origin Víno s chráneným označením pôvodu
Where traditional terms quality wine akostné víno and quality wine with attribute akostné
víno s prívlastkom can be used. Attribute indicates potential alcohol and technique used - Cabinet kabinetné, Late
harvest Neskorý zber, Grapes selection Výber z hrozna, Berry or Raisin selection bobuľový or hrozienkový výber, Nobly rotten raisin selection cibébový výber, Ice wine ľadové víno or Straw wine slamové víno. Learn
more about the Still wines categories>> Sparkling
wines are obtained by first or second
alcoholic fermentation from fresh grapes, grape must and from wine. Depending on the used technology, grape varieties and the origin, there
are various categories of Slovak
Sparkling wines. Read more>> Approximately one fifth of the Tokaj wine region lies in Slovakia.
Using the traditional and given technologies, various Tokajské wines are produced in Slovakia. These quality designations are recognized: - Tokajský Furmint, Tokajská
Lipovina and Tokajský Muškát žltý - Tokajské samorodné (suché - dry
or sladké - sweet) - Tokajský výber (3, 4, 5 or 6 putňový) -
Tokajský mášláš nad foditáš - Tokajská esencia and výberová esencia More
details on Slovak Tokajské wines>> |
Grape varieties |
Slovak names of grape varieties grown in Tokaj region are Furmint, Lipovina and Muškát Žltý. In all other regions, predominantly single varietal white wines are produced, mainly from Veltliner - which is grown in the entire region and the wines are lively but they could be also more opulent. Another very grown local grape is productive Welschriesling, followed by Müller-Thurgau, Pinot blanc and Riesling. The red varieties, accounting for one fifth of the vine-yards are mainly represented by compelling Lemberger, differentiating St. Laurent and more recently spread Cabernet Sauvignon, which flourish mainly in the warmer parts of the country. The range of the wines is often completed with the grape varieties originating in other parts of Europe - white Fetească albă and regală, aromatic Irsai
Oliver, Muscat Ottonel as well as Traminer, Pinot gris, Sylvaner, Chardonnay and Sauvignon, other red wines are made from Pinot noir, Zweigeltrebe, Portugieser and colourful Alibernet. Research and the development in the cross-breeding area in former Czechoslovakia resulted in new grape varieties bred and tested in specific local conditions. Aromatic white Devín, Pálava, Muškát Moravský and more recently Mília with Noria, as well as red André, Neronet and more recently Dunaj and others are becoming undoubtedly one of the new visions of Slovak winemaking. It is not unusual that even smaller producers are vinifying and offering around 20 different single - varietal wines. |
Find out about the most grown regional grape varieties, new grafted varieties and international varieties grown in Slovakia. |
White |
Red |
Veltlínske zelené |
3 088.6
Rizling vlašský |
2 528.6
1 636.0
modrá  |
Müller-Thurgau |
1 557.2
1 198.5 |
Svätovavrinecké  |
rýnsky |
biele (Pinot biely/blanc) |
Cabernet Sauvignon  |
červený |
415.6 |
Dievčie hrozno |
411.0 |
Oliver |
364.1 |
Furmint |
342.3 |
Fetească regală |
Chardonnay |
323.9 |
červené skoré |
Rulandské šedé (Pinot šedý/gris) |
255.1 |
André |
253.0 |
247.9 |
Rulandské modré  (Pinot modrý/noir)
Sauvignon |
237.6 |
Silvánske zelené |
214.0 |
Lipovina |
193.3 |
Muškát Moravský |
Devín |
144.1 |
Zweigeltrebe  |
Modrý Portugal  |
Muškát Žltý |
75.3 |
Muškát Ottonel |
61.8 |
Dunaj |
Pálava |
52.0 |
38.3 |
Neronet |
Bouvierovo hrozno |
22.2. |
Neuburské |
19.6 |
Aurelius |
11.4 |
Noria |
1.9 |
Mília |
1.0 |
Hron, Nitria, Rimava and Váh |
Breslava |
Rosa |
Rudava and Torysa |
Hetera |
Subsidiary grape varieties in Slovakia Even if available in small single vine-yard quantities, it is possible to come accross with them quite easily. White: Cserszegi Fűszeres, Kerner, Rotweisser Veltliner, Sémillon, Viognier and others
Red: Domina, Dornfelder, Cabernet Moravia, Kádarka, Merlot, Syrah and others