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News & Press arrow Press arrow Slovak wine maker Chateau Modra to start production in China
Slovak wine maker Chateau Modra to start production in China

The Slovak wine producer Chateau Modra announced that, in cooperation with the Chinese firm Xiangyao, it would open in China a production facility expected to generate sales worth €2m. The factory is planning to sell the wine in the 70 million inhabitant Hebei province in China and in the Chinese capital city Beijing. Half of the investment in the new firm will come from Chateau Modra and the remainder from the Chinese partner.

The construction of the factory is planned to start in spring 2011 and to be completed in spring 2012. Initially, the factory is exptected to produce 300,000 l of wine and then, depending on the wine’s commercial success, management will decide whether or not to increase output.
Besides China, Chateau Modra also has plans to expand to the US and Russian markets. According to the firm’s management, the negotiations with an American partner are in the final phase. The company wants to distribute some 14,500 l of wine in the US early next year. Talks with a Russian partner are not that advanced.
Chateau Modra already distributes its wine on the Czech market, particularly in the capital city of Prague. Chateau Modra, formerly Vinohradnicka spolocnost Modra, is the largest vineyard operator in Slovakia in terms of amount of grapes. It manages some 780 ha of vineyards.


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